北億纖通的FT-M50515是一款高性能、5GHz鈮酸鋰相位調制器。該調制器可以在較低的驅動電壓下在較寬的工作帶寬內提供相位調制。它的低插入損耗提供了極大的傳輸功率。該調制器采用退火質子交換(APE,Annealed Proton Exchange Process)光波導制成,使用保偏(PM)輸入和輸出光纖,易于與其他光學元件集成。
● 高達5GHz帶寬
● 波長1030nm至1070nm
● 保偏輸出
● 低光損耗
● X切割APE過程
● 極小背向反射
● 相干通信
● 光學啁啾
● 光學傳感
● 調頻光譜學
● 頻率移動
● 激光線寬展寬
輸入功率 |
60mW最大值 |
操作波長 |
1030nm至1070nm |
插入損耗 |
3.0dB典型值,3.5dB最大值 |
芯片極化消光比 |
60dB最小值 |
尾纖極化消光比 |
20dB最小值 |
過程 |
質子交換 |
回波損耗 |
30dB最小值 |
S21帶寬 |
5GHz典型值@-3dB |
S11回波損耗 |
-10dB最大值@10GHz |
Vπ(射頻端口) |
5V典型值@1GHz |
射頻輸入功率 |
30dBm最大值 |
阻抗(射頻端口) |
50Ω典型值 |
工作溫度(標準) |
-55°C至+75°C |
存儲溫度 |
-60°C至+90°C |
工作相對濕度 |
0%至90% |
輸入/輸出光纖類型 |
輸入/輸出連接頭 |
保偏FC/APC或其他 |
材質 |
鈮酸鋰(LiNbO3) |
射頻端口連接頭 |
K連接頭 |
套管 |
900μm |
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.